Ayuntamiento de Majadas – Spain


The City Council Majadas is a public body local, offering services to all groups that are part of their community, with the intention of providing an effective response to the requirements demanded especially by the youth of our town.


You need to offer more new projects affected social sectors of education and culture , so you have to provide means by which young people can acquire healthy habits , providing information on topics that will become involved , compensate for deficiencies and neutralize negative stimuli that generate themselves .


The collective actions aimed at youth are necessary for true compaction of care and prevention, in order to provide a space where the young to spend their free time while you are offered a place to meet and relationship.


Through this project our organization not only aims to solve immediate problems , through the creation of channels for participatory organization capable of achieving solutions line, but what is intended is to raise awareness of critical and supportive youth so that the two materials meet those needs, involving the process of awareness that leads them to seek real solutions from a dynamic process of social life in them, by performing integration activities of stable character in project activities , aimed mainly at :

 1. Promote active citizenship among young people, especially European .

2 . Develop solidarity and promote tolerance .

3. Foster mutual understanding between young people.


Whose specific objectives are :

 1. Improve the level of core competencies and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities , as well as promote their participation , active cuidadania , intercultural dialogue , social inclusion and solidarity.

2 . Increase international dimension of youth activities , support structures for young people, by promoting mobility and cooperation between the Union and the organizations involved.


And whose priorities are:

1 . Promoting social inclusion of young people.

2 . Promoting healthy behaviors by promoting outdoor activities and grassroots sports as a means to promote healthy lifestyles and to promote social inclusion and active participation of young people in society.


3 . Create awareness of EU citizenship and the rights that accompany it.